Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand. When Thai parents separate or divorce, the issue of child support often arises. Thai law emphasizes both parents’ responsibility to financially support their children until they reach the age of 20. Here’s an overview of child support in Thailand:

Shared Responsibility:

Thai family law mandates that both biological or adoptive parents are financially obligated to support their children. This ensures the child’s well-being and reduces the financial burden on the custodial parent.

Reaching an Agreement:

The preferred approach is for parents to reach a written agreement on child support amount and payment methods. This agreement should outline the child’s needs, such as food, shelter, education, and healthcare, and determine a fair contribution from each parent. Consulting a lawyer can ensure the agreement is comprehensive and legally sound.

Court-Ordered Support:

If parents cannot reach an agreement, the child’s custodial parent can file a lawsuit for child support. The court will consider the following factors when determining the amount:

  • Child’s Needs: The child’s essential living expenses, education costs, and any special needs will be factored in.
  • Financial Ability of Parents: The court will assess each parent’s income and earning potential to determine a fair contribution.
  • Standard of Living: The child’s accustomed standard of living before the separation will be considered.

Special Considerations:

  • Out-of-Wedlock Children: The biological father of a child born outside of marriage isn’t legally obligated to pay child support unless he acknowledges paternity through court-ordered legitimization.
  • Payment Methods: Child support is typically paid in regular installments, though the court might order alternative arrangements in specific cases. Support payments cannot be directly deposited into a child’s bank account unless they are 15 years old or older.

Seeking Legal Help:

Child support issues in Thailand can be complex, especially in cases of disagreement or out-of-wedlock children. Consulting a lawyer specializing in family law is highly recommended. They can guide you through the process, ensure your rights are protected, and represent you in court if necessary.


Ensuring financial support for your child is a priority in Thailand. By understanding the legal framework and considering an amicable agreement, parents can navigate child support arrangements and prioritize their child’s well-being.